Merit Leadership Announcement

Dear Merit Customers & Clients,
As a market leader, Merit continues to improve our operating structure while providing our customers and communities exceptional value. As we head into the second half of our fiscal year I am pleased to share with you organizational changes and strategy initiatives in motion.
Effective January 1, 2024 Jeremy Wohlfiel has assumed the role, President of Merit Contracting and Laura Sheehan promoted into a new Vice President role.
As the President, Jeremy will continue to manage operations for the Roofing, Perimeter Flashing, Fabrication, Walls & Glazing, and Yard departments. In her new Vice President role Laura will manage operations for the Asset Management and Service departments. These changes are designed to enable Merit to continue to serve and exceed our customers expectations.
With this announcement there are no plans for my retirem
ent. I will be working closely with each Jeremy and Laura to ensure success in their new roles. As well, I will remain operational with Project Managers and serve as a mentor for the business.
I am confident these changes will continue to provide you and your organization Merit quality services from us.
Thank you for your business and partnership!
Ed Stanley
Owner, Merit Contracting